Koffie met notitieboekjes en pen

How does book translations work?

A book is always special. Often, someone carries the idea around for a long time. Once the idea is written down, they still spend a long time mulling over it. A book endures, and therefore the author naturally feels that it requires a lot of attention and love. Translating a book from English to Dutch must be done with care.

For books translations, it's important to involve the translator in an early stage. High quality translation take time, just like high quality writing. It's creative work, and haste almost always leads to inferior quality.

If you are in a hurry and you still need your book translated quickly, work with a translation team. Engage multiple translators and have the project led by an experienced editor. I have led several book translations in this way.

Once you have found a translator and agreed on a price and delivery date, the translator gets to work. Book translations take longer than document translations. It's therefore wise to request progress samples from the translator periodically. This prevents unpleasant surprises at the end of the process.

It's also wise to hire an editor or proofreader. When you're working on a text, you often become blind to simple mistakes. And there isn't always time to put a text aside to look at it later with a fresh perspective. The printer is scheduled, and the book has already been announced. An experienced second reader corrects things that the translator has overlooked.

How long does it take to translate a book?

Assuming that a translator translates on n average 2,500 words per day and an average book contains 80,000 words, it will take on average 32 full working days to translate a book.

How can I help you?

I can help you at every step of this process. I can translate a book. I can lead a translators team and, if desired, also set up one from my own network. I can look at the text as an editor or proofreader. And I can advise you on possible subsidies for your book publication.

Below are the Dutch book publications I have been involved in as a translator or editor::

  • Ed. Paul Hawken. Drawdown: Het meest veelomvattende plan ooit om klimaatontwrichting te keren. Uitgeverij mauritsgroen•mgmc. 2018.
  • E.L. James. Vijftig tinten donkerder. Uitgeverij Prometheus.2016
  • Bob Tanner. Leicester City: 5000 tegen 1. Spectrum Boeken. 2017.
  • Filosofische reeks voor De Morgen, delen over: Aristoteles & Locke. 2016.
  • Marietta Elliott-Kleerkoper. Een perfecte vervorming. Hybrid Publishers, Melbourne, Australië. 2016.
  • Wilbur Smith. Gouden leeuw. Uitgeverij Xander. 2015.
  • Bernard Minier. Huivering. Uitgeverij Xander. 2015.
  • Brent Schlender & Rick Tetzeli. De wording van Steve Jobs. Uitgeverij Xander. 2015.
  • E.L. James. Grey. Uitgeverij Prometheus. 2015.
  • Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Coney Island van de geest. Uitgeverij Liverse. 2015.
  • Wilbur Smith. De Woestijngod. Uitgeverij Xander. 2014.
  • Jan Willem Kirpestein. De moeilijkste mens om mee om te gaan ben ikzelf. Soul Care Foundation. 2014.
  • Herma van der Weide. Fiane. Soul Care Foundation. 2014.
  • Richard Holmes et al. World War II: The Definitive Visual History. Uitgeverij Lannoo. 2014.
  • Oscar Wilde. Prozagedichten. Uitgeverij Nadorst. 2014.
  • Jack Kerouac, Verzen, schetsen, haiku’s en blues. Uitgeverij Nadorst. 2011.
  • Marietta Elliott-Kleerkoper. Isle of Wakefulness/Eiland van Waakzaamheid. tweetalige dichtenbundel. Hybrid Publishers, Melbourne, Australië. 2006.
  • Walt Whitman. Het lied van mijzelve. Uitgave in eigen beheer, Rotterdam. 2005.

Get in touch with me

Can I help you? If so, please contact me via this page.